Top 5 Myths about Writing

There is a common tendency for people to talk and swap stories while they are together. This tendency frequently develops into gossip, which is more alluring but risky. Although “gossip” frequently entertains, it also has the potential to be dangerous due to its quick spread (caused by its appeal) and inclination to distort or even completely separate from reality. Gossip creates misconceptions in a variety of industries and professions, and the writing industry is particularly susceptible.

The top five writing myths are as follows:

For some people, writing comes naturally. Perhaps the most common myth is this one. Since I’ve been a seasoned writer for almost 20 years, I’ve met many other working authors of various ages, socioeconomic origins, and salary levels. I have yet to come across a writer who would claim that writing is a simple task. Writing is a laborious endeavour that demands steadfast diligence. There are times when I feel compelled to consider that it would be simpler to open a vein, as Red Smith put it so well. Nevertheless, the ideas of “experience” and “practice” do exist and can make many writing jobs easier to complete. I’ve written a ton of content in those exact formats and/or topics; therefore, I can complete specialized writing duties nearly immediately.

Writing necessitates innate talent. I will not deceive you. “Talent” is indeed an attribute that can provide an advantage, distinguishing between a remarkable writer and a competent writer. Nevertheless, it is erroneous to assume that talent alone is sufficient to elevate a writer to greatness or even proficiency. Writing is a skill that can be acquired, developed, and refined. By dedicating yourself to honing your craft, delving into the writings of others to glean additional insights about your own craft, and seeking and embracing guidance and constructive criticism regarding your work, you can improve and flourish as a writer. Dedication, when coupled with talent, can yield astounding outcomes. However, if compelled to choose only one aspect, I would pledge my allegiance to dedication. Dedication is an indispensable facet through which you can perpetually augment your skill level.

Writing needs more pragmatic utility. Throughout my entire professional life, I have sustained myself as a writer, deriving my livelihood from this vocation. This invaluable skill remains indispensable even if your livelihood revolves around something other than language. There is simply no profession devoid of writing. Admittedly, the forms may vary, but the written word serves as the bedrock in every professional field. Your writing prowess can often impinge on your ability to secure employment and ascend the ladder of success in your chosen career. In today’s world, the significance of written communication is further magnified, both in professional spheres and personal relationships.

Writing cannot be one’s sole means of earning a livelihood. I distinctly recall the occasion when I revealed to my father my desire to pursue English as my major in college. He expressed deep concern, fearing that I would struggle to support myself. However, the truth is that I have never encountered difficulty in procuring employment, and today, I am the proprietor of my own business, all thanks to this versatile and invaluable skill. Not only can you forge a prosperous career as a writer, but writing also serves as a vital tool in numerous other professions and vocations.

The specter of writer’s block haunts and torments writers incessantly. I do not dismiss the inherent challenges entailed in grappling with writer’s block. Yet, whenever I engage in discussions with writers purportedly afflicted by this affliction, they tend to fall into two broad categories. The first group fabricates their own impediments, fixating on the need for the perfect ambiance, mood, or celestial alignment before they can set pen to paper. This approach is patently absurd. One of the manifold benefits I gleaned from my years of experience in the newsroom is the ability to write under almost any circumstance or emotional state. Imposing deadlines will teach anyone how to conquer writer’s block nonchalantly. I reserve greater sympathy for the second group, as their predicament is genuinely internal in nature. Typically, their struggle stems from the fact that the story they yearn to convey, be it fictional or nonfictional, has yet to mature entirely within the recesses of their mind. Although the writing may appear stalled in such instances, it is not actually blocked. The writer must attune themselves to that inner voice and respond accordingly. Sometimes, the idea necessitates further incubation, while additional research and planning are imperative at other times. Once the appropriate adjustments are made, the words will resume their flow.

Refuse to succumb to the clutches of the fallacy.


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  • Upal Chakraborty

    With an illustrious career spanning over 23+ years in the Education Industry, Upal is a highly accomplished professional who has made significant contributions in various domains. His Content Creator, Author, and English Language Tutor expertise have benefited numerous individuals and organizations worldwide. Over the past five years, Upal has delivered a remarkable 12,000+ content pieces in a diverse range of subjects. His versatility and adaptability have allowed him to delve into 25 different categories, showcasing his ability to produce high-quality content across various industries and niches. Upal has served over 300 satisfied clients with an unwavering commitment to excellence, building strong and lasting relationships through his professionalism and exceptional work.

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