Nuclear Power and Humanity

Nuclear Power is the capacity to produce the quantum of nuclear energy and use it. It may be used in humankind’s favour as an alternative energy source for doing different things. It may also be used against humanity to destroy cities and their inhabitants.

An atom comprises a nucleus containing Protons and Neutrons and orbits of circling particles called Electrons. This nuclear energy is released from the nucleus of the atom. Energy is released when the nucleus of the atom disintegrates into several parts, known as nuclear fission, or when the nuclei fuse together, called nuclear fusion.

Generally, the nuclear energy used for the betterment of humankind, like producing electricity, is done through nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion is yet to be found productive in such tasks, though research and development work is also going on in this field.

Nuclear fission is carried out in specially-made places called nuclear reactors. Here the nucleus of an atom is broken into two or more smaller nuclei, and this process produces energy. This splitting of nuclei of an atom releases a massive amount of energy which is the most potent form of energy among all other forms of energy.

Nuclear energy can produce electricity, heat, all forms of kinetic energy, etc. Humankind is greatly supported by this form of energy as the other forms of energy are slowly diminishing because of the paucity of raw materials to produce these types of energy.

Nuclear energies have both constructive and destructive properties, as in other forms of energy. The most potent element to produce nuclear energy is Uranium 235. It produces the maximum amount of nuclear energy with nuclear fission, but it also releases a heavy amount of radioactivity during this process. This radioactivity is fatal to every living organism, both flora and fauna. It can kill every living organism on Earth and slowly disappears.

Nuclear energy can be both beneficial and fatal to the world, depending on how humankind uses it. When used for constructive purposes, such as to produce electricity, it helps in a drastic reduction of atmospheric pollution. The more nuclear plants are built worldwide, the more job opportunities are created, and the demand for skilled workers in this field gets immediate employment. This dramatically improves the economy of the world. People generally live a life of financially well-off standards.

Nuclear energy production and use can be considered extremely safe. The natural resources of electricity production, such as coal, water, and firewood, are exhausting fast. At the same time, electricity consumption is increasing by the day. Here the use of nuclear energy compensates for the demand for electric power.

The low carbon power is produced in huge quantities by nuclear power plants. These plants also require relatively less land area than any other energy source production units. But nuclear power plants also have their disadvantages. The raw material Uranium is technically non-renewable and has a very high upfront cost. Nuclear waste is radioactive, and its disposal is a crucial problem.

Any nuclear power plant malfunctions can wipe out a whole civilisation, as in Russia. Nuclear bombs used for war can wipe out whole cities, as happened during Second World War in Japan. People are still suffering from the side effects of radioactivity even after so many years of the great war. So everything depends on humans on how they use nuclear power. Nuclear power can take the human race to outer space and wipe out life from our planets. It is so powerful that it must be handled ultra carefully for the good or bad of humanity.


  • Prof. Pinaki Munshi

    Prof. Pinaki Munshi is a retired Associate Professor from a prestigious management college in Indore. He holds a Masters degrees in Life Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University, English literature from Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, and Business Management from Sriram School of Business Economics. His passion for writing led to the publication of his blogs in multiple countries. With a deep love for language, Prof. Pinaki Munshi continues to pursue his writing endeavors even after retirement.

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