Why Poor is Poor and Rich is Rich?

Poor and Rich are differentiated by the amount of funds they have. The Rich has ample…

10 different types of Yoga Styles and their utilities

When you do Yoga correctly, you don’t need to know everything about its history to gain…

How many miles must a man walk to call himself a traveller?

It is a technical question and can have many different answers to it. Walking and travelling…

“Adho Mukha Svanasana’s” and “Adho Mukha Vrksasana’s” surprising benefits and importance

When we check it up, each word in this asana has a straightforward definition. “Svana” means…

Nuclear Power and Humanity

Nuclear Power is the capacity to produce the quantum of nuclear energy and use it. It…

Change is the only permanent thing in this world

How true! There is nothing more accurate than this statement. It is not a philosophical statement.…

Artificial Intelligence — A Game Changer

In the discipline of computer science, known as artificial intelligence (AI), researchers look into the creation…

3 Simple Strategies to Ensure You Never Lose Again

There are many ups and downs in life, as well as some unexpected turns. When something…

Management and teachings of Srimad Bhagavat Gita

Bhagavat Gita is considered the most sacred book in the Hindu religion. In fact, it is…

Top 5 Myths about Writing

There is a common tendency for people to talk and swap stories while they are together.…